Air NZ

Rather challenging day today ... I was supposed to be off to the Coromandel to meet a prospective client, but I woke with a rather sore eye.

Which then proceeded to get worse. Off to see my sister-in-law doctor who surmised it was probably a scratched cornea, and prescribed some creme. Off to the pharmacist, after which I thought I'd still make the 2 hour drive there and back. However it got worse, there was nothing to do by head back to the folks and lie down. Which I did for a few hours.

Then out to the airport for the return flight an sadly they wouldn't let me jump on an earlier flight. So into the Koru Lounge for afew hours - worse places to be ;-)

However when I came to get in the flight, my ticket was invalid ... seems they had moved me to an earlier flight, just forgot to tell me!

Finally home and in bed - phew. Couldn't bring myself to get out of bed to walk the All Whites draw with Slovakia. Awesome result!

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