Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Tizzy Says Hello

This is my colleague's cat Tizzy. Very very cautious at first but after about five minutes she came and lay on my lap, drooling on me. Lovely. ;)

Went over to said colleague's house to help fix her computer and get her started selling stuff on eBay. Had a lovely night despite the fact I think I've unleashed an eBay monster. She's going to be hitting F5 every minute for the next 7 days in the hopes her stuff has a bid on it! ;) Was really nice to chill out though and just chat about non-work stuff. I think I've got closer to the people I work with now after 2 months, than the people I worked with in my last job for 18 months...says a lot really. We're very close knit and it's pure chance and good luck that I've ended up there with such great coworkers and a fantastic job. Wonder how long the luck can hold out.... ;)

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