Pob's World

By Pobsworld

Homeward Bound

Well it's all over, back home today.
The flight back wasn't quite as idyllic as the outward one. We were surrounded by around 30 Chinese teenagers, all visiting the UK, all excited and all with huge carry on luggage that was too big and heavy for most of them to lift into the overhead lockers -We tried very hard not to laugh when one wee girl ended up crying because neither she nor her friends could lift her her pink Hello Kitty case up into the rack. But - we are evil and we did laugh! It went up into the locker in the end so all was well and Hello Kitty got to see London!

Lots of too-ing and fro-ing in the night, lots of chatting around us. I think we did get a few hours sleep before we were tipped out at Heathrow at 5.30am.

I wonder what people visiting Britain for the first time, must think of Heathrow. In comparison to the efficient and clean environment of Hong Kong airport, most places would look shabby. But Heathrow terminal 1 is utterly tatty, smelly, dirty looking and dated. Freezing too. I couldn't help but feel very, very sorry for travellers, who for which, this was their first view of the UK. It's not a good introduction.

Few hours wait then onto the London - Edinburgh final leg of our journey. As we headed for Scotland, the sun came out and I caught this picture. I love when the clouds look like you could walk on them.

Down into cold Edinburgh and met by my Dad, we headed home.

I fought sleep all day (Hong Kong is 7 hours ahead of here) but, keeping busy meant that all my unpacking is done and all my clothes are washed, ready for the return to work on Wednesday.

Finally sleep got me at 8.45pm...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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