
By grounded


Today I worked from home. I have a sermon to give a week on Sunday at a local church so I thought I'd write it today... but I only wrote part of it as the words weren't flowing so well. I'll need to find more time before next weekend!

When hubby came home we were planning on going to the gym (still not been since holiday) but opted for 9 holes instead as it was such a lovely evening! I tell you what...there is a lot of pollen out there....atchooooo!

Came home to chill and a couple we are friends with popped in to pick up some keys and stayed for a cuppa, while another friend popped in on the way past to drop me my b'day pressie. Bulbous salad spoons by Bombay Duck. I'm sure you'll agree they are lovely. I love chunky stuff! So these will go well with my other things!

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