Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Age of Aquarius

There's been much pondering going on on the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe and Everything.

It's been over a couple of months now that I've been reclassified as retired / unemployed / unwanted and you (at least I) question the worth of what you fill your day with. I suppose that's part of the curse of being an analytical person, not to mention the Scottish Calvinistic roots.

Why is work "worthwhile" while not working isn't? It's completely daft - work is the selling of your time, which is a limited resource and getting more limited. If you don't need to sell your time, and I'm fortunate enough to be in that situation, then don't and get on with life.

Well today I went back to work - Not exactly "proper work" though.

Just after I'd finished proper work I was helping a friend out on setting up a web site, initially photographing the items to appear on the site. This had stalled due to overlapping holidays and in the intervening period I'd convinced myself that the project was flawed and had little chance of success.

Anyway a friend's a friend, so time to make things happen. My thoughts were we should try selling a few items on ebay to test the market, so today we took photographs, drew up listings and stuck them on ebay and now we wait and see.

Today also helped on the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe and Everything. There was no financial reward on the "work" I undertook today, but the banter and joint purpose was reward in itself. Although of recent, proper work only provided this one day a week it was the aspect of proper work that made it bearable. There is an element of this when Mrs L and I are redecorating etc., but in general it's something that is missing from this retired / unemployed / unwanted state that even blipping can't provide.

Talking of blipping the sundial was pointing to Aquarius (the best sign of course). So while working I said I need a blip and noting that the sundial didn't actually tell the time I came up with the heading Age of Aquarius, which to me is a song from the musical Hair. Now in blip mode I investigated this phrase further and this led me onto today's new facts (for me at least):

Did you know - the Earth has a 25,800 year gyroscopic precession - an astrological age corresponds to the gyration of the Earth's northern zenith pointing toward each of the twelve Zodiac regions in the sky - each astrological age is therefore approximately 2,150 years long. There is however dissent in astrological circles as to which astrological age we're in, but my vote goes to the fact that we're in the dawning of the age of Aquarius because that's what the song says, but more significantly because that's what Val's sundial says. Makes more sense than 42!

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