Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene


I encourage my workshop attendees to explore ALL the angles when capturing images and I try to adhere to my own advice when I'm out shooting. By taking the time to explore all the different perspectives, two important things happen:

1) You prevent overshooting a scene from one or two viewpoints.

2) You can capture the subject from some very unique angles that the viewer wouldn't observe otherwise.

I captured a large number of poppy images using my wide, medium, and macro lenses; but all looking from the top. I wondered what the backside would look like and was able to use the movable LCD screen on the Canon G11 to check it out. I prefocused and repositioned the camera until I saw just a hint of glare from the sun before pressing the shutter.

Voila! A bugs eye view.
(Well sort of, if you ignore the whole compound eye thing...)

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