The Stride

By thestride

A Gift

Today the sun was fantastically brilliant and the wind was crisp -- perfect fall weather and for a picture of the mums on my doorstep. However, these mums were placed there sometime last week. Friday morning I got up and saw two orange mums on our doorstep. How lovely! I thought, did Jeff put mums out before he went to work? I thought he mentioned someone in his office had given us some mums. But that didn't make sense because he had flown in the night before from Dallas and he had been there for several days. There was no way he had mums in his car sitting at the airport for a few days. When I asked Jeff about it, he thought I had put them there. I think it was one of the neighbors welcoming us to the neighborhood. So far I haven't discovered which neighbor -- but the gift is lovely and the orange color has me excited for the fall weather.

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