Frosty sunrise

Like children on Christmas morning, Cousteau, my camera and I ventured outside. It was early, just before sunrise, when all about was quiet and still. We wrapped up warm against the frost that threatened to nip our ears and noses. Glasses fogged up, rendering me momentarily blind. Not to worry, I knew my way around. Out of the gate we snuck, quiet as two stowaways. Briskly, so as to warm up our extremities, Cousteau and I strode around the block. The sky turned from black to navy to purple-blue. Lights in the houses we passed flicked on as all around started to awake. On we marched. Tree skeletons, a toe-nail moon and twinkling stars. We marvelled at them all. Even as the moon bid us a cheery farewell as she started on her way to far off lands to soothe others to sleep as we woke. Frosty gates and patterned leaves bid us good morning, our breath billowing, cooled by the air.

Then home, to porridge, radio and purring kitten. A game of rope-tug. Tickles behind the ears and pats on noses.

That precious calm before the day hits. Our wonderful together time.

Then fed and loved, we go our separate ways.

Pio outside.

Cousteau on his bed in the lounge.

And me, off to work.

A good start to a good day. Classes great. Kids great. Learning achieved. Animals happy. Doctor seen. Antibiotics and preventative inhalers prescribed. Hopefully the chest-infection will soon be a thing of the past.

The fire lit first time. Pio is playing with his rabbit tail (JL ripped it off a dead rabbit the dogs found on our walk - gross!). Cousteau is waiting for his tea.

I'm off out for fish and chips with friends.

Then, hopefully, an early night.


I don't know if it's just me, but this cloud looks like an angel, or maybe a butterfly to me. Also, the frost is not grass, but the actual fingers of frost themselves atop a gatepost. A micro macro, I guess you could say.

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