Christine's Photospace

By ceckel

Wild turkey

I entitled my entry today "wild turkey" because today I saw my first wild turkey! I took my lovely new bike out to the state forest and rode up Kate's Mountain for the first time. It's a windy, steeeeeep road that leads to a jeep trail, which connects to the trails that send you back down into the park. Quite a grunt! It was worth it, however, due to the wild turkey sighting near the top. The turkey squawked, then started running right in front of me and took off in flight. So cool! It totally made my day. I also I saw a black bear and a deer today. It was a good day for wildlife sightings.

I had my Olympus "tough" camera on me, which is a good camera in that it is definitely tough, but I cannot get it under control. That is, it refuses to lock exposure when the shutter release is pressed halfway down the way my little cybershot will. Thus, it consistently blows out the sky. Alas! It does what it does.

This photo was taken near the end of my ride because I was having so much fun riding that I didn't think to stop and take any photos. I used the "shadow/highlight" function in PS on the sky, which has an interesting effect. Unfortunately it makes the photo look a bit fake, much like HDR, but I didn't like the blown out sky so there you have it! :-)

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