
By Instography

Back to hospital

Aye, the wee man had to go back to the hospital today with his formerly broken arm to get the reassuringly named titanium nails removed. Didn't take long - they just open up the scars they made putting them in, grab the end and hoik them out. But it's a general anaesthetic so they're obliged to point out the extremely unlikely possibilities of death, which the small logical portion of the brain processes in statistical terms while the remainder just has you bricking it for your wee boy.

But all went well. The nurses were great, employing the full range of Distraction to keep him amused and thinking of something else. Distraction being a full blown therapy not just some duh obvious way of getting a child to think about something other than the giant needle that's being shoved into their arm or the one being stuck in the back of their hand.

Anyhoo, after 5 hours of sitting around in a boiling hot hospital (apart from the hour that I spent sleeping in a boiling hot car), watching Ewan watching DVDs - a key part of the Distraction armoury - we're home chilling, which for Ewan means watching more DVDs.

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