Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


Just an iPhone blip today, I may change it later if I take the camera out but for now this will do.

We decided to clean out our office today because my ex-officemate was in clearing her stuff away anyway. I think our office is rightly regarded as the major health hazard in the maths department, we're all pretty messy!

Today we found: a bag of fruit that had turned to liquid, seeped through the bag and stuck to a desk; a mug with at least 6 months worth of fur on the inside; brown sauce a year out of date; about 20 old Tupperware containers with lunch remnants; and several breadcrumb-encrusted plates. This is what happens when people leave and you don't want to touch their stuff until they return a year later!

Amongst all the manky stuff, we did find this bit of coolness. Bearing in mind this building was only constructed three years ago this bag is that age at worst, but as you can see it's already started to decompose! When we lifted it lots of big chunks of plastic fell off, and when touched they crumbled into smaller chunks, then confetti, then what was basically dust. Our carpet is covered in it!

Anyway, I thought that was interesting, I'd never seen it before :)

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