
By schlimm


On our way to the Green Man Nursery (not real name, name given by the kids) we happened upon this pattern on a ramp in the Springside Development. A drew my attention to it and told me she liked it. They are starting early, at her age she's already picked up her mother's bug and will no doubt soon demand a camera of her own. I did like the pattern and could not decide between this close-up or the other two that had the pattern repeated many more times.

I stuck with this one for the colour.

Lots of coffee this morning, good conversations and as ever a lot to laugh about.

After swimming we went to the Pavilion Cafe on the Meadows which only downside is that it is so close to the road on one side and that the kids get a bit too close to it while playing. S in particular quite happily wanders about and I need to look out for her all the time. So part of my afternoon in the sun was spent with counting the children and trying to find them in the crowd. I may well buy them Swiss Cowbells next time I'm there in three different sizes so that I can determine from their sound where which child is at that moment.

Really very tired now so I won't do half the things I wanted to do tonight but I will just go and relax.

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