Bryan 'J' Norfolk

By Bryanj

'Oops'Spare Bits !!!!

Todays not been a good one for me! and why I took on the job is beyond me,but needs must!, the thing is ,My young Polish friend asked me if I could build her some Bedroom furniture,nothing much ,just a couple of double wardrobes an ottaman 2 Bedside cabinets a 10 drawer chest of drawers and a single 5 drawer unit!!! Yes says I, should only take an hour or so.

Well I ask you who writes these instructions,it said Locate the protruding Dowel into the underside of part 2,3,7,8,9,13,17,19,!! well by lunchtime Id had enough so after a light lunch and a short doze I decided to use my initiative and I have made her a really top of the range CD rack instead ! it is a tad larger than the normal ones but I think a walk in CD rack could catch on !!
My blip is a shot of the spare parts and of course totally unnecessary
PS Cant wait to see her little face when she walks in !!! she will be pleased

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