Life of a toaster

By jivetoaster

Back Lane uncovered

The archaeological dig at Pollokshaws Road, near where my great-grandparents had their sweetie shop all those years ago (it was at the tenement in the background).
This looks like the back lane which would have ran behind Queen's Park Terrace, Alexander Thomson's finest tenement which was criminally demolished in 1980, to make way for the motorway. To quote Frank Wordsall in the society's entry on the building:

"The derogatory remarks which are sometimes aimed at Thomson's highly original and monumental block of tenements in Eglinton Street makes one wonder. The rhythmic quality which he invariably gives to his windows is particularly suitable to tenement design and this Eglinton Street example is a marvel of its kind. At the north end is a four-storey corner bay which begins as convex but changes to concave for the upper three stories - a unique feature.?

This cobblestone setting doesn't look original though. They must have been restored at some point before 1980.

For locals interested, the archaeologists are having an open day at the site this Saturday, between 10am and 3pm

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