Mucking in, mucking out

My brother is preparing the shed for its annual job as a sheep clipping venue, which means it needs to be thoroughly mucked out. Grace found him there on a walk around the farm and announced she wanted to help out. She then disappeared momentarily, returning with a trowel from the garden, and proceeded to dig up little bits of the poo and straw mixture and put it into the wheelbarrow. She's not scared of a bit of mucky work, is our Grace! Not a great photo, but it captures the funniest part of the day, so there you go.

This morning, we also had a visit from my friend Tessa and her little girl, who I hadn't seen in AGES. Shocking that you can live not 40 miles from someone and hardly catch up, but it was good to have a chat today and I really hope we can meet again much sooner next time.

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