Summer Meadows ...

It started off quite a noce day today, I woke this morning and my headache had disappeared and my friend Roxy asked if I wanted to go out for lunch with her as she is movig away to Southhampton ina few weeks ime so we like to catch up as much as pssible, we went for a lovely chinese dinner and then for coffee, we had a great time and did lots of chatting.

I arrived home around 4pm and decided to visit my Dad this evening to take his Fathers Day card and present as I have quite a busy day tomorrow doing a photo shoot in the morning of a thirteen year old girl on location (fingers crossed the weather stays dry) bt when I got home Kieran passed on a message to me that my favourte Aunty is in hospital.

I am so upset, I am hoping I can visit her tomorrow, I have just found out it is something to do with a water infection (hopefully I will find out a little more when my cousin Karen returns home from the hospital this evening), I hope she is ok Bless her, I love her so, so much she is my idle, she brought so much pleasure in my life as a child and she still does now in my adult life, she is AWESOME and a great person to be around, she makes everyone smile.

Get well soon Aunty Betty

Love you lots

Tracey xxx

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