Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Well that soon stopped me....

I like to follow mummy & daddy round the house, round the lounge, into the kitchen! earlier they vanished, I crawled as fast as my little legs would take me, moaning all the way, silly parents don't they know I only have little legs, and it takes me a while to keep up!!
Anyway off I went, trying to keep up, tongue out in concentration, turn the corner....Oh my word....now how was I supposed to follow them now?!!
this big mountain in front of me, I pull myself up, my little chubby leg frantically trying to get up high enough to conquer this mountain, but nooooo it wouldn't behave!
Mummy stood at the top laughing with the camera zoomed in on my cute puppy dog help me eyes, daddy some were behind asking if I had a problem....problem? do I have a problem....what does this look like to you....hmmm? a garden slide?.....ppppfftttttttt!!!!

Eventually mummy very kindly came and rescued me and took me up this big mountain! I'm certainly not going near them again!! I don't like being stumped!!!

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