
By Chook

Numbing effect

Tired today.
Soccer finished at 2am.
As it turns out, would have been up at that time anyway thank to some middle-of-night pager action.
Socceroos played well.
Shame about the red card.

Home from work for now.
J out cycling with R.
What now?
Sunday run?
Edit: run done. Fifty minutes today. Blisters impressive. Blister taping even more so. Minimal discomfort. Fingers crossed will stay that way for a while- about three weeks til the ten km.
Start putting together supplies for our Kimberley trip?*
Work on my presentation?
Afternoon nap?

Mmmm nap.
Powernap maybe...
There are not enough hours in the day.

Today's picture is part of a housing commission building.

*Now only a week away. Woo!

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