A lost Yank

By AlostYank


This is my daughter hiding from me after I took the sweets away from her after she had taken them from Grandma. Bad Daddy!

It may seem that I have been hiding from blip for the the past 3 weeks or so but I have been really busy renovating our bathroom. I thought I would be done much sooner but being in full time employment and school runs etc. this has become a very slow project for me. Just nearly finished in time for my mom to arrive from California. The kids are just over the moon with her visit and so is she naturally. She brought with her loads of butterfingers, babe ruth bars (the one made famous by the movie Caddyshack) and even a six pack of alaskan amber ale (which I consider to be the best beer in the world.) Now that I have more time I shall be blipping more regulary.

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