Picture Consequences

By consequences

Stared out

If Nick thought that he could unsettle the women by going on the offensive, he soon found out he'd made a mistake.

"Hah!" replied Margaret. "And what's it to you if I tell a little white lie?"

"I wouldn't call impersonation in an attempt to defraud a little white lie, madam," he said, trying to keep the upper hand. They were both keeping unblinking eye contact, as if each was daring the other to look away.

However, when Alice cut in with "and I wouldn't call what your two colleagues were doing to that young man police work, either," the battle of wills was over; Nick unthinkingly looked down at the pavement, embarrassed.

"Well, at least you've got the good grace to look ashamed," continued Alice. "I don't know what those two were playing at, but they're lucky the lad's not hurt worse. Can't know if he's going to be badly concussed, but I couldn't see any obvious damage. Still, hospital's the safest place for him right now."

"I've no idea what was going on," replied Nick, still not looking up. "Got a surprise when I saw it was Adam. He wouldn't hurt a fly, so I don't know what all the physical stuff was about."

"So you know young Adam, then?" asked Margaret. "You two friends or something?"

He looked up at them. "Friends? No. But yes, we do know each other - or we did."

Alice smiled a thin smile. "Well then, why don't you tell us all about it, while we walk away from here? I don't think it'd do to still be here when your other colleagues get here, do you?"

Part Two begins here.

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