life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

Simple Pleasures

Came home, eventually, today to be presented with these. Suzo was given them by Antoony, no idea why he would want to give me these beautiful fresh homegrown beets?? Funnily enough I do have a recipe in mind that I may have mentioned.(this was not as a plea for beetroots though) and now look forward to a lovely dinner tomorrow. Call from home today,I always fear the worst when i see HOWTH flash up on the mobile, and it was my little sister Caoilfhionn telling me she had to have Posh, the family dog who went missing for two days last month, put down today, sad. The oul fella' is away too so not great news to get or the bill he'll receive when he gets home. Ah sure Posh was 16, a great dog, border collie full of beans old age just caught up vith him, at least he died with dignity. There is of course a whole debate to be had about man playing god and yet not having any contol over our own destiny but it's monday and I'm sure ye all know what I mean. To Posh the dog a great wee pal.

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