Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Six

Lyra sleeps with us

(Pooky erects a force field around her to absorb the abuse and objects you are no doubt now hurling at her).

Telling people that your baby shares your bed with you elicits more or less the same reaction as if you were to say, "If we can't get her to sleep, we just slip her an ounce of crack cocaine."

It wasn't planned, it just felt right from day one and as an eternal insomniac I was so pleased to have found the end to all my sleeping woes. It seems that having my daughter sleeping blissfully by my side lulls me off to sleep very nicely. And she loves it too. We have never once had a sleepless night or even anything close.

The only issue is that as (and here comes another confession) we keep Lyra awake all evening so we can play with her together after Tom gets home from work, she doesn't get up until hours later than us. So we have now had to move from a bed to a mattress on the floor, barricaded in on three sides and we now have to make a mountain of pillows at the foot of the bed when we get up to stop her crawling off the end when she wakes up.

Today's blip is Lyra in our shared (gasp) bed having just woken up for another day of fun times with Mummy (whilst Daddy slaves away at work. It hardly seems fair does it?)


Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number One
Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Two
Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Three
Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Four
Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Five

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