mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Baby Feet

I took Aidan to get weighed today (I know I said I was never going back to the baby clinic but I really wanted to know how Aidan was getting on weight wise) he's 21lbs 2oz! Massive! I knew he was getting heavy, I could feel it!

After that we had my Pilates class. Aidan was pretty bored and restless during the class but not too badly behaved. Next week is my last Pilates class for the summer. They are going to do some evening classes in a different venue as the one we currently use gets taken over by the Edinburgh Festival in the summer. I think I?ll just chill during the summer and try to walk more during the day with Aidan.

This afternoon Gran and Grumpa (Mr Mono's folks) came to see wee Aidy. They go away on holidays for two weeks tomorrow so wanted a last visit before then. He seemed a bit tired tonight and is now sleeping peacefully! Unbelievably I think Aidan is getting more hungry! He cries when his food is finished and has started waking up a bit earlier in the mornings. Hmmm...surely he can't need more food?!

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