Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

that thursday feeling

it's always amazed me that something that can get you so wound up can be such a mind cleaner and relaxer...football is one example but any physical activity can be just as calming. i know there is the scientific explanation about the release of chemicals but there has to be more to it than that but as its 3.33am i'm not getting into that just now.
so todays blip was taken just before the start of the game, i tried to get some during the game but every time i went ot take a pic the opposition would make a break and i'd have to try and put the camera down somewhere safe or attempt to save it with one hand. to be honest that probaly couldn't make my goalkeeping skills worse. on the upside i did take the ball past four of them and finish it off by placing it sweetly at the near post. made my night. i do feel bad about the guy i injured though. it really was an accident but hey, shit happens and it's all part of the beautiful game.
parents night tomorrow, think i would rather eat my feet than go to that and the cheese and wine party after.
again to finish on a positive note, my mum arrived from edinburgh tonight and brought with her the all important GLASS bottles of irn-bru. lexie was really pleased to see granny too.

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