
By Chaos

Trouble in Paradise: Fire No. 2

So, we are heading back from a movie early this evening. One fire truck, then a second, then a third pass us by, sirens blaring.

"There heading the same way we are." I say.

"Hey, there's smoke just beyond where we are staying!"

There are fire trucks, police cars, ambulance, and support vehicles everywhere.

In 172 Blips, this is my second fire. In my lifetime I can remember only a single fire that I actually witnessed up close other than the fire of my family's house in Chadron, Nebraska.

When I arrived the entire roof was on fire and half of the roof had collapsed. The scene was unique because of dusk to darkness conditions. For those interested in noise due to high ISO and dark conditions, these images were shot with an ISO of 400 to 800 at sundown to near total darkness.

Other images:

Early scene from the golf course.
A closer view.
Water ladder.
Night fire.
Medical Station.
Monitoring the pumps.

Now for some links:

I like the grittiness of this from Richard Sheppard

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