Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

I'm Sticking With You...

We sing this Velvet Underground song to Noah all the time. He follows Henry around like a love-sick puppy...Actually it really sums up their relationship :-)

Poor old H tries so hard to practice while little exploratory fingers plink-plink their way down the keyboard. I remove the little tyke only for him to reappear a few minutes later.

Anyway...once H had finished he sat Noah on the seat next to him and tried to teach him an 'easy' piece from his old book. I'm afraid Noah was not a good student and spent most of the time shouting YAH YAH YAH while bashing the keys in a random fashion. Henry was not impressed and told him he'd never make a good musician unless he practiced and concentrated...well he is ten months old's about time he bucked his ideas up!

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