Big plans are afoot

Our Taekwon Do instructor is in negotiations with the council at the moment to get her own unit for the dojang instead of having to use the school hall and then the community centre whenever that doesn't suit the school.

Obviously miss Cross will buy all the relevant equipment for the school but some of teh seniors and their families came up with the idea of organising a fund raising event to get extra kit for the kids classes. Some more of us seniors were invited along to discuss the ideas tonight. It's not something Miss Cross is involved in as I don't think she'd ever ask the seniors and the parents to chip in money, over and above the fees, for kit. However as the senior class we have no problem in asking people to put in a bit of extra money to ensure the kids get the very best we can provide for them.

I'm not going to give away any hints regarding what's going on but there are some good ideas in the pipeline.

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