Life with K.C.


Do you know who this is?

It's a celebrity Blip! One of my best friends from school arrived home to the UK today. She's lived in the US for 15 years & was back for a holiday or is it a vacation? I popped to the airport to surprise her along with her Mum & Dad. As we were waiting this gentleman arrived, there was a cheer & lots of photos being taken so I went to investigate. One of his brothers was behind him. Know who they are?

Mr KC & I had a lovey day today as my 40th Birthday celebrations continued. We went in to London. We ended up watching the game in a Talk Talk store where they were showing it, went out for dinner & then went to see Wicked. What an amazing show. A very clever story (it's a prequel to Wizard of Oz), great music & two great actresses. Fabulous....

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