A Little Lost Sock
How many times do we see this? A lost mitten, shoe, glove, shirt, jacket. Discarded carelessly and separated from its previous life.
This site has helped me think differently about my photography. I'm much more open to looking for a special story to share or a theme to present. I love reading the stories and viewing the photos on this site. Everyone a part of this ever growing community.
I've often wondered about the people who lose one shoe or jacket or sock. Did they just throw it away or did it become useless to them for some reason? This little sock belonged to someone who now has only one of a pair. What will happen to the other one?
If we remain community and continue to grow, we'll never have to worry about being a little lost sock. We'll always have each other.
If anyone reading this has lost this sock, it's on the corner of Race and The Alameda... Maybe because it's now a blip, it's found another life.
Maybe because we are all blipfoto members, we have found another life - that I am sure of.
Peace to All and Enjoy!
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