The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Bali Biker Babe

Forever The Goose, today, she's the Biker Babe (some of you can probably imagine how she's rolling her eyes right now).

Getting picked up this morning a little before 8am, we had an all day adventure driving through the "Real Bali", and biking through the rest.

The bike ride was mainly all downhill, but potholes, small children, chickens and dogs in love to avoid were plentiful.

Along our journey, we had nonstop views of my favorite views--green green green and blue blue blue.

Biker Babe and I also shared a cup of luwak coffee, which for those of you who don't know, comes from beans that have been picked out of the feces of several types of nocturnal Indonesian animals. Our guide had a great time telling us we were drinking the most expensive poop in the world.

Oh, and I managed to break my bike, which seems to always happen on these group bike tours we've taken over the last 11 months. No worries though, they had an extra for me.

~The Gander

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