
By scharwenka

The Great and the Good: Encaenia 2010

This function is the Vice-Chancellor's Garden Party, held after the Honorary Degrees are conferred in the morning at the Encaenia ceremony. There are probably few in this shot who are either great or good.

The party was held in the superb gardens of Merton College. We were blessed with an outstandingly sunny afternoon

In the evening, the Honorands and some high-ranking University Officials are entertained to dinner at a feast called a Gaudy at one of the colleges. In the past, it always used to be at my own college, but in these egalitarian days, other colleges get to host the Encaenia Gaudy in turn. Our Gaudy is now held on the next day (the Thursday). We always enjoyed meeting the Honorands (one year, the Hon DMus was Alfred Brendel, about whom we have talked recently).

The name Gaudy is probably best known to the world at large through the novel Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers. I have myself known deaths amongst the guests on Gaudy Nights, but through natural causes consequent on excessive indulgence at the feast by the older of the old members invited. Cross ref.: Gaudeamus Igitur (cf Brahms's Academic Festival Overture)

To some extent, the terms Encaenia and Gaudy have become conflated, which is why I have dared to use the play on words on the TwiPic gallery of this occasion. Anyway, the garb most certainly is Gaudy! Included in the gallery are

Gaudy Queue

Gaudy Group

Even more Gaudy

Gaudy French habit. The @ViolaMaths lookalike is just hidden by the person with the red hood.

Gaudy music

Your humble reporter was wearing this Gaudy Beezle tie. It was gift from @ViolaMaths, but she accidentally circumcised it. Her great surgical (seamstress) skills restored it to its intact condition.

... that is enough about Encaenia and Gaudies for today!

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