One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

When in Rome...

... do like Romek! Cultivate your own style. Do not give in to the temptation of blending in, do not become another anonymous fleeting shape in the crowd.

The second I got on the Dart today, I knew I wanted to take his photograph.

And as you can see, he was most obliging. The language barrier wasn't much of a problem. I took his photo, showed it to him on the LCD display, got his appreciative approval (he was obviously very pleased with the pose he stroke at the drop of a -leather- hat), gave him my blip card (i.e. one of the 400 business cards that I was given when I started the new job - with the url handwritten at the back - with the 12 that keep the fridge level and the 21 that I gave to blipped members of the public, that leaves me with 367 more cards to go).

I did appreciate the help from the girl seating beside me who spontaneously offered her services as a consecutive interpreter. Her Polish is native. Mine almost nonexistent.

But I also knew that I had Romek's approval to publish his image on the interweb, he did not strike me as the shy and withdrawn type...

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