mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


Slightly too close and a bit out of focus but I couldn't resist his cheeky wee face! He was eating an Ella's kitchen apple and ginger cookie. I've had these biscuits for ages but I've never given him one. I actually have loads of things like this in the cupboard! Lol! He absolutely loved it! It was rubbed into his legs, shorts, t-shirt, sock and the rug as well as his wee face.

We were back at Monkey Music this morning after missing two weeks due to Aidan being ill. It was really nice to be back but also a bit of a shame as next week is the last class and then the classes are off till I return to work. Thankfully I won't be working a Friday so we'll still be able to go. Unfortunately the mum I am friends with will be working a Friday so she won't be there.

The rest of the day was just spent in the house. I spoke to my friend G in Dubai over Skype for nearly 2 hours! She's been there for a month now so lots to catch up on!

The wee man is asleep now so it's feet up for me while Mr Mono does some chores. I love Fridays!

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