Emily L. J. Boyd

By eljb


Our strawberries managed to survive the snow & the -14 days of this winter & we've got lots of strawberries coming & I'm planting the runners to make lots of nice new strawberry plants for next year.

We're growing lots this year, tatties, beans, tomatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, red & yellow beetroot, lettuce, lavender, plums, apples and a marrow which was masquerading as courgettes. Plus tomorrow I'm hopefully going to be collecting a load of the elderflower I've been not so patiently waiting to blossom and I'm going to make cordial.

Plus I'm starting to feel a little more positive about the idea of getting back into the workshop. I'm hoping that the lace has started making me feel a little more like myself again. I hope it's at least the start of me wanting to make again because not is making me want to cry on a daily basis. And that's not good for anyone.

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