All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter


"There is no freedom like seeing myself as I am and not losing heart."
~Elizabeth J. Canham

Sat down with my boss and finally got my "priorities straight" and by that I mean they're about as straight as the lines in my blip. Oh, certainly, they are lines and they are straight, but that doesn't make too much sense out of them either. I have plenty of intersecting priorities, needs, wants, and tasks. Wearing the student hat and the lab manager hat gets old most days.

Working on things that aren't going to help me get out of here is becoming more and more disheartening. I don't have the enthusiam for those sorts of things lately. I want to finish. To do that, I need to get a lot of my own work done. Sadly, that's not in the cards for now, at least, not if I listen to my boss. My friend who's graduated already tells me to just not listen. Perhaps that's the way to go... :)

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