Life thru a blippin' lens

By James

Team Bob Are Back!

Tonight was quiz night at our local pub up the road. We've not been in 2 weeks due to illness and work commitments, so we were determined to turn up this week and even gave away the tickets we won on Sunday to see Robin Ince at The Stand.

The quiz has changed. For the worse. It's not as good as before, but it is more random and there is a big element of luck, which we could do with.

We made two new friends, Ross and Raison. Simone has been speaking to them for the past few weeks while outside having a fag. They seem cool - we're supposed to be going to The Stand with them in a couple of weeks, which should be good.

This is a pic of Simone drinking her pint of Miller. We were good tonight and only had a couple. All this drinking over the past week is ridiculous - I don't know what's happened to us - I blame Simone.

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