
By Amalarian


I spent another morning trying to learn to take photographs and had tremendous problems with focus. I see a full tripod in my future but I swear I will never be seen in public with it. I would feel a right pretentious idiot. I have been having fond thoughts of the old days, the pre-blip days, when it was point and shoot.

I wanted a shot of a red sandstone ball with the flower in front and did dozens. In the end I was beguiled by this hover fly coming in to land. The flower is achillea millefolium. There are about 80 varieties and it is a member of the yarrow family. It is the beloved of bugs of all kinds. The sandstone architectural ball is from Scotland.

This is another variety, achillea filipendulina. The flat heads dry beautifully. yellow achilea

It is warmer today and about time, too.

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