Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Up early this morning as we lost the cat last night. I started thinking back to where I had last seen him; in a neighbour's garden about 6pm. I had gone round to check their house as they are away. Then the tiniest thought popped into my mind that he might have followed me in. But Freddie doesn't do things like that, he is so timid. He won't even use our front door so I couldn't believe he would dare to venture through their's. But I went to check ..... and there he was, having spent 12+ hours in their living room. Thank heavens they had shut the bedroom doors. After checking for any serious "deposits", of which thankfully there were none, we went home for Freddie's belated dinner and today's breakfast.

Relieved that Freddo had returned none the worse for his adventure, we then spent the morning above Malham Cove watching the Peregrine Falcons who have fledged two young. We had magnificent views of the young and the female; flying, preening, and a food pass as they flew below where we we standing. We then watched as one of the young devoured a pigeon with gusto. Brilliant stuff, apart from for the pigeon that is. I must admit I prefer my steaks medium.

Hope you all had a good day, and tomorrow it's football!

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