Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Loch An Eilein

Kerr slept really well last night in the travel cot in the same room as us at the Guest House. We were a bit worried that he wouldn't settle with us being in the same room, but he was great, and dropped off at his usual time of 7pm.

This morning we walked around Loch an Eilan. It was another lovely day, and Kerr slept for most of the walk. Fudge had great fun in the water running after stones.

We went to the RSPB Osprey Reserve at Loch Garten this afternoon. Lots of wildlife was spotted including red squirrels and a deer with her fawns. Too cute!

We then went for a drive to Grantown on Spey. I had never been there before, and it was really nice. Bought Kerr a new sunhat and a pair of Baby Banz, which are super cute but so far he has refused to wear them - typical!

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