Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Clashnessie Beach

Another busy fun filled day today, which started with Kerr feeding the ducks in the garden while still in his jammies.

We headed out in the car along 'The Wee Mad Road' to Lochinver. On the way there we stopped at Inverkirkaig and took a walk to the falls. We didn't quite manage to get all the way to the falls, because the path was very steep and rocky, and kerrsdaddy's shoulder was beginning to hurt a bit. Also, Fudge was fooling around and could easily have dived off the ridge!

There is an excellent bookshop in the middle of nowhere at Inverkirkaig, which had been recommended to us - Achins Bookshop. What a cool place! Kerrsdaddy bought a new bird book, and Kerr got a children's bird book - his first of many no doubt! A budding twitcher if he follows in Daddy's footsteps :-)

We then drove through Lochinver and took the scenic route through Drumbeg. We stopped at Clashnessie beach and Kerr built his first ever sandcastle. He loved sitting in the sand, and did very well at keeping his new sunhat on. The roads in this area are very scary, single track and tiny passing places - glad I wasn't driving!

A 2 hour power cut this evening due to a nearby forest fire meant that Kerr had a ham sandwich for his dinner, and we had cheese and crackers with copius amounts of red wine - I love being on holiday!

(We took 140 photos today, it was really difficult choosing a blip! Lots of lovely scenic shots, but this was chosen because it was Kerr's first time on a beach, and I like how he is lookng out to sea.)

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