Ron Mueck

Jo was in the mood to go out and do something today. Her suggestion was either a movie or the art gallery. We decided on the art gallery because I at work we produce a lot of the supplementary material for their exhibitions. So it was a way to see some of my own work too.

Our objective was to see the Ron Mueck exhibition, one of the few artists who encourages people to take photographs of his work, all be it without flash. The display was fantastic. I am not much an art buff but his sculptures really impressed me. They are so lifelike. Kind of creepy some of them. This sculpture was used for most of the promotional material. Of all the photos I took this was the only one I got reasonably sharp. No flash plus low light, not a good combination.

The rest of the gallery was amazing too.

On the way to the gallery we stopped in at a second hand bulding supplies yard. I am in the process of planning an outdoor BBQ come entertainment area. The idea is to use all second hand materials to build it. On a whim we bought all the bavers and the wood to make the base box. I guess that wil give me something to do next weekend.

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