
By lioneltownpo

Sunshine on Leith

Leith looking pretty splendid on a summer Saturday. Met some American friends, T and A, for dinner in a pub serving great fish. Some curious coincidences ensued...

First thing was my brother-in-law had just come back from a business trip to Ghana and brought me a Ghana football cap, which I was wearing provocatively, as, of course, Ghana were about to kick off... against the USA.

Then it turned out that A's brother and sister-in-law, who is from Burkina Faso -- from a village, where else, right on the Ghanaian border -- were actually visiting Accra, Ghana's capital, this very night.

So come on Ghana! Well, very few people in the US seem to care one way or another what the football team gets up to - except, it turns out, Bill Clinton and, would you believe it, Mick Jagger. Tough luck Mick...

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