Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Tranquility returns

My life has returned. It's very difficult to explain to my Mum why I'm taking photos, downloading them then uploading them to an online journal and writing a comment, so I've not bothered blipping whilst she has been here. However, she has now returned home, and arrived safely, my brother picked her up from the airport and she is now at their house waiting to be fed!!

My house is now back to normal, clean and tidy, papers either put away or thrown in the recycle bag, not kept lying around for days 'just in case I haven't read it properly'.

I've even managed to have an hours kip, I'm mentally knackered. Tomorrow is back to the usual routine, spinning and normal eating.

I think the sock fairy has visited us, Roy has just sorted out his sock draw and has discovered 4 odd socks!!!

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