The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland

Isobel went to an audition today at the local theatre. I thought it would be a good blip opportunity. After half an hour I nipped out with Arthur and Tilly because they were getting bored. When I came back to collect Isobel I was accosted by two gentlemen who asked me if I'd been taking pictures in the theatre. I was kindly asked to delete them "kids and the internet you know, sorry", etc etc. I didn't argue because I did understand and he watched me delete the "offending" files. I felt a bit miffed but couldn't be bothered to explain why I'd taken them - I even thought to blur the shots as you can see to prevent people being recognised (I knew it wasn't worth asking permission beforehand). Anyhow out of sheer bloody-mindedness I ran the card through Zero Assumption when I got home and retrieved this shocking photograph. I now nervously await a knock on the door during the early hours.

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