Elements Of A Life

By eyglo

Moose Tower and Badger Timber

This was a weekend of strange animal sightings.

First I saw what we think was a viper (it was too big to be a
snook apparently). I turned in my tracks and ran back to the house!
Didn't even consider picking up the camera.
Then we saw the second biggest hornet I think
I've ever seen (the biggest was a few years back
- it was as big as a bird!). Then this morning
I was wandering a bit with my baby girl hanging in a sling
on my stomach and as I approached the Moose Tower
I stood beside that stack of timber
and coming from it I heard a growl
like a dogs growl
but it wasn't a dog.
I'm told it might have been a badger.

And then later this morning we saw a deer with a calf.
Very sweet and I did try to get pictures
but no matter how I zoom in them I see no deer
(the problems of camera-phone photographing!)

So I'll leave you with the Moose Tower and the Badger Timber.

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