Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Seagull chick.

Spent most of today out and about at carboot sales having a mooch around and not really buying much. Erin did get to chose 3 barbie dolls for how well she has done potty training and Jack got 3 Bob the builder things, a bag, phone and soft toy, he is over the moon. We also looked around the shops to get them 2 wheel bikes with stabilizers as they are rapidly outgrowing their trikes. Jack is having a Bob the builder one from Argos and Erins is coming from Ebay and is... yes she chose Barbie!!
Not much to blip today so I decided to see how the little guys on the roof are doing. Down to 2 now so one must have died in the last week or so. They seem to be doing well although still have their downy feathers so no sign of flight for a while yet.

Erin potty training update: We were out all day today and no-one had a single accident, Erin even did a wee outside!! Before we left though she did have a number 2 accident because in her words she "did not want to hear it go plop"!! Then when home late aft and Grandad and Grandma came over she told them what a big girl she was and then 15 mins later wet herself. Not sure why as she said she knew she needed it. She is at preschool in the morning so will see how that goes.

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