mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Daddy & Aidan

It was still very warm here today. It just started raining a wee while ago so hopefully that will cut through the muggy air. So far it's still very warm though.

Aidan and I had a relaxed morning in the house where he tried his walker again. He managed to get from one side of his mats to the other. When he was in it again this afternoon he seemed to have forgotten what to do though. Oh well.

We had Peep-Fit this afternoon. This class will be running through the summer. Unfortunately they told us that we won't be getting the music that goes with the class on CD with the book of lyrics. Due to cuts in Government spending there isn't any money for this. It was boiling in the class today and the 'fit' part was not at all welcome in the heat! They have a mirrored wall in the class and we had to sit the babies in front of it to see what they'd do. I do this at home with Aidan every morning and he normally just hits the 'mirror baby'. Today he was laughing hysterically at the 'mirror baby', jumping up and down and hitting him! Crazy baby!

As we were leaving the community centre a woman approached me to ask about what the best place to catch the bus. Then she looking in the buggy and said to 'Oh, he's perfect, he looks just like a doll and his skin is beautiful'. She also added that 'he looks like he knows he's beautiful too'! I thought this was pretty funny. If only she knew what a wee terror he can be! Lol!

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