Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

IDA shapes

It was a lazy morning, spent recovering from yesterday's Grand Prix lunch.

By the time 2.00 pm rolled on I somehow managed to get my act together sufficiently to go in to town for one of my bank visits. Naturally this was combined with a bit of a blip wander around the immediate area, the length of which was dictated by the amount of time I'd paid for at the pay & display machine. I walked down Lad Lane, through the IDA HQ back out to the canal, and from there back to Baggot Street. This brightly coloured underside of one of the blocks in the IDA building (Industrial Development Agency) has always taken ym fancy, but this is the first time I've actually blipped it. Because it's protected from the elements, it's stood the test of time well, and still looks bright and clean and crisp. Even on a dull day (which today wasn't), it provides a bit of a lift to the spirits.

Back home again it was time for more laziness. Music, TV, a bit of food now and again: utterly unproductive.

For the benefit of anyone who's interested, I've back-blipped Saturday and Sunday.

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