All things Blipable....

By Tina

Yacht club serasa..

This is one view i would never tire of..
sadly its one view that in 11 days time will be a zillion miles away.

We went to the yacht club for a lite lunch.. were still waiting for the Boxes that have been away to be fumigated, to be returned to us, so we can actually start to pack!

its like living in Limbo land..
cant pack, anymore as we have nothing to pack stuff into..
cant sort anymore.. as i need to pack the stuff i have already sorted!

Thats where the yacht club came into play.. for a sanity check

had a great time at the ladies hash run tonight.. (BH3)
was a challenging run.. a few good hills and a beautiful view..

was a little perterbed by the 'Youre still here" comments then by which followed the 'When do you leave?' comments!
11 sleeps.... and thats it... EEk!

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