
By karenskie

When the owners are away the dogs come out to play

Busy time for pet sitting!

Counted up tomorrows pack and including mine and my borrowed medium agility dog there will be 9 dogs through my hands tomorrow, can't promise a blip as the plan is not to have all 9 out at the same time.

My friend James and family are off to Turkey so I am responsible for his 3 (they are staying in his house same street as us) for feeding and walking, with help from James mum and dad who are staying to let them out morning and night! Phew - he will own me one by the end of the fortnight!

Client dog Flash had been here for a week due to be picked up tomorrow. One out one in as Misty (Border Collie puppy) is coming for 2 weeks tomorrow morning.

Then we have Oliver who is a regular 3 times a week boy anyway - poor Max wanted to visit tomorrow too but for once the workd "NO" came easily to my lips.

Its great fun, boys and dogs loved our walk today which involved getting wet and dirty.

More pics here

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